Happy Summer

Hello Yogis,

Obviously I am not very good at maintaining a blog.  After some serious self-recrimination, I am beginning to accept the fact that I would rather practice yoga and teach yoga, than write about yoga.  The good news is, that there are so many very good blogs out there, that my absence from the blogosphere is not such a big loss.

From not writing I have also learned that the longer you put something off, the harder it is to do it.  Actually, I learned this lesson long ago, but have been reminded of it once again.  So, I choose to get up and do yoga, more often than I choose to sit down and write yoga.  But tonight, I am writing.  And after the first couple of words, I discover it is not so hard.  Just like a lot of things, taking the first step is the hardest, especially if you procrastinate.

It has been a very busy Spring.  My teaching schedule was full, my son came home to live with us and my daughter graduated from high school.  Now the boys are out of the house and in August my daughter will be off to college.

So, for the next two months I am going to teach less and spend more time with my family.  I will also do a bit of traveling and studying.  I also plan to go to concerts, dance in the sunshine and spend time in the wilderness.  I am even finally going to go to Wanderlust, the big yoga-music festival in Whistler, BC.  I’ve been planning to go for years, but this summer I am actually going to go.  Perhaps it was practicing yoga Friday night at SoulShine  with Sean Corn and Michael Franti, that reminded me how much more alive and connected we can all feel.

Have a happy Summer everyone.  Check my teaching schedule to confirm classes.  In general, I will return to teaching in the middle of July, for my Mid-Day Bliss Class and Sunday Morning Vinyasa Class at Village Green Yoga and my Saturday  Morning  Vinyasa class at River Tree Yoga.


Shalom & Namaste

Diana Bonyhadi

Issaquah, WA


6 thoughts on “Happy Summer

  1. Surprise! Have you kept up with Kate, lately. Alas, I have not; but I am sure Lisa has. Sounds like (your words say) that you are enjoying life. That’s what matters. Our best to you, truly.


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